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14,428 व्याख्याता और शिक्षक पदों पर आई सबसे बड़ी भर्ती 2019

CGVYAPAM Recruitment 2019 14428  Lecturer, Teacher and Assistant Teacher 

Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CGPEB) (छत्तीसगढ़ व्यावसायिक परीक्षा मंडल) ने 14,428 व्याख्याता और शिक्षक पदों के लिए 

Vacancy: 14500

Post: Lecturer, Teacher E-Cadre, Teacher T-Cadre, Assistant Teacher 
(E-Cadre) Science, Assistant Teacher (T-Cadre) Science, Assistant Teacher Science (Lab) 
E-Cadre, Assistant Teacher Science (Lab) T-Cadre, Teacher (English), Assistant Teacher (English), Assistant Teacher (English)-Science Group

Age: 21- 35 yrs

Qualification: 12th, Diploma, B.El.Ed, Graduation, B.Ed, TET, BA/ 
B.Sc.Ed or BA.Ed/ B.Sc.Ed, Teacher Eligibility Test (TET)

Dates to Consider:
नौकरी प्रकाशित होने की तिथि: 02-04-2019
आवेदन करने के लिए अंतिम तिथि: 12-05-2019
Exam Date for Lecturer: 14-07-2019
Exam Date for Asst Teacher (Science): 28-07-2019
Exam Date for Teacher & Asst Teacher (English): 11-08-2019
Exam Date for Asst Teacher (Science), Teacher – E & T Cadre: 25-08-2019

Mode of Recruitment :
Selection on concerned posts shall be done through a written test and qualification basis. Detail of the written test will be provided in the admit card of due course.

Fee Structure :
No Application fee.

How to Apply :
No need to send the print to Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board at this stage. Eligible candidates will be intimated about further proceedings. 

Send Applications to Candidates are advised to check the official notice.
Apply Online.

Important Links of This Sarkari Job

ऑफिशियल नोटिफिकेशन यहाँ देखें: Click Here
आवेदन यहाँ करें (Apply Now): Click Here
 Official website : Click Here